FAQ' s

  • 1. What kind of real estate advice do you give?

    Melno Park offers personalized real estate advice, guiding clients through buying, selling and renting ensuring informed decisions and a seamless property journey.

  • 2. How can i get melno park aid to live off campus?

    To explore off-campus living with Melno Park's assistance, simply contact us through our website or visit our office. Our team is ready to provide personalized guidance and help you find the perfect living space tailored to your needs.

  • 3. Does melno park share my information with others?

    No, Melno Park does not share your personal information with third parties without your consent. We prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your data, adhering to strict data protection measures.

  • 4. Can Melno Park assist with property management?

    While Melno Park primarily focuses on real estate transactions, we can provide recommendations for reputable property management services upon request.

  • 5. How do i link multiple accounts with my profile?

    Currently, Melno Park does not support linking multiple accounts to a single profile. Each user account is designed to be independent. If you have specific requirements or inquiries, please contact our support team for personalized assistance.

  • 6. Are there fees for using Melno Park's services?

    Melno Park's fees vary based on the services provided. Please contact our team for specific details regarding fees associated with buying, selling, or renting properties.

  • 7. What documents are required for a property transaction?

    The required documents depend on the type of transaction. Generally, you'll need proof of identity, property-related documents, and financial records. Our team will guide you on the specific requirements.

  • 8. How can I stay informed about Melno Park's events and workshops?

    Stay updated on Melno Park's events and workshops by subscribing to our newsletter and following our social media channels. We regularly share information about upcoming events and industry insights.